Thursday, May 24, 2007

Beach Fun!!

Aw . . . isn't this cute of Craig and Cade! I couldn't even get Cade to hold still for a picture. He was so excited to be at the beach!

Ambree seems to have lost her balance and tipped over!

Ambree's first time playing in the sand at the beach! She seemed to really enjoy it!

Ambree is trying really hard to figure out what happened to the other half of Cades body!

Today, we went to go the the beach for the first time this year! It was pretty cold and windy, but it was still fun. . . again, not quite as relaxing gas I remember it being in by pre-children years, but still fun. It was fun to watch the kids having so much fun in the sand! I guess that's how it is once you have kids, you get your enjoyment through watching them have enjoyment! Ambree realized quickly that it's not very good to suck your thumb when it is covered with sand, although, she did put sand in her mouth a few times. Craig and Cade had some father/son bonding out on the rocks and down by the water. It's nice to have Craig with us when we are out playing! He definitely needs the break too!


Aaron & Sara Warren said...

Times have certainly changed, huh? It's no longer about us getting the sweet tan and falling asleep on the sand. Now it's about making sure the sand to mouth intake is minimal for our kids. We're hitting the beach Saturday, so I'm going to be in the same boat again. We've already gone once in April and it was actually hotter then than it is now.

Aaron's final is tomorrow. I get my husband back after that. Isn't it nice when we get them back? :o)

Michelle said...

I'm so jealous that Craig is done! Brett is taking is last final, of the quarter that is, right now. This has been one LONG week! Probably the longest since he started school. It's fun to hear about the end, though. I'm so glad you were able to enjoy some time as a family. It was WELL deserved. I know how hard both you and Craig work. Live it up!

Leslie said...

SO JEALOUS YOU'RE PLAYING AT THE BEACH!! Sounds like a good family day!