Sunday, October 14, 2007

What were you doing 10 years and four months ago?

I was graduating from High School!

I can't believe it has been 10 years! This past year or so, I knew that my high school 10 year reunion was right around the corner, which was a very strange thought. Part of me thought it would be weird to go and see those people again. What would I say to them? What would they think of the way I looked now (I have had 2 kids since then you know)? Would many people even go to it? Would it cost a lot of money? Would it be annoying for Craig to go with me since he didn't know anyone? What would I wear? You know, all those important details! There was also part of me that thought it would be fun to go and see all of those people again. What did they look like now? What had they done with the last 10 years? Who would be there? Who was married and to whom? Who had kids and how many? After much deliberation with myself and others, weighing the pros and cons, I had decided not to go. That was until Friday, when I received yet another text or two from Robby Noble, one of my best friends from high school, telling me to go because he was in charge of planning the whole thing after all. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't support him (he didn't say that, but I thought it). He also said that there was the option of just going to the dance/mingle after the dinner. That would cut the cost way down, and cut the time that we would be there (just in case we were having a horrible time). So . . . we went to the 10 year reunion and had a great time (Craig would probably say it was bearable, but I had a great time).

Jurupa Valley High School Graduation 1997
Scrap book pages that I made 10 years ago (see, they really do come in handy). Do you think we have changed much in the last 10 years?

Then . . .

Leeann, Breanna, Janell (out of town for the reunion), Me.

Now . . .

Breanna, Leeann, Me

Then . . .
Jonathon, Breanna (married to Jonathan now, with one kid), Me, Janell, Robby

Jen and Liz

Now . . .
Jen, Robby, Me

Liz, Me

Then . . .
Becky, Maria
Maria, Me Tommy, MeNow . . .
Tommy, Becky (married with 3 kids)
Becky, Me
Maria, Me
And of course, My cute husband and me (Maybe next year when it is his 10 year reunion, I'll post some pictures of him in high school)!
It's funny how so much happens in 10 years, and yet when you meet back up with old friends it seems as if no time has passed at all, and you just pick up right where you left off. Hopefully I'll do better at keeping in touch with my friends from high school now instead of waiting to see them until our 20 year reunion(If I even go). By then, who knows how many kids I'll have and pounds I'll have gained! LOL!


Robin and Stephenie said...

oh my heck time flys huh. my 10 year is next summer. they started a blog and it is really fun to see everyone. your hair was super long. you are so cute!

Lindsay said...

Oh, I'm glad you decided to go! :) I love your outfit and the accessories! I meant to tell you that at church today. You still look the same after 10 years! I think you actually look a bit thinner now in your face! It was fun to see pictures of you and your friends "back then."

Matt's 10 year HS reunion is next year and I'm so excited that we'll be all graduated by then! My 10 year isn't until 2010, since I'm such a baby, you know! ;) I've got some time to lose my extra flab, but then again we'll probably have another kid by then!

Weston & Jennie said...

I am glad that you decided to go and that you had a great time. You look Fabulous!! Tens years and two kids or not.

Trenda said...

Yeah Lindsay, I have to agree with you on my face looking thinner now. Back in high school I always hated how round my face was and I never wanted to wear my hair back because of it. Now I don't even think about it. . . I'm not sure why it's thinner now because I haven't lost weight since then. It seems like ever since I got my braces off in college my face has been thinner (could that be why)? Maybe I just lost the "baby fat" that I had in my cheeks! If that's it, it was about time don't you think. . . Maybe there is hope for Ambree!

Becky Mutter said...

I totally agree that your face looks thinner now. I wish mine did! :) I'm glad you had a good time. How much longer do we get to keep you in Fullerton?

Emily said...

Ok ... so weird. That guy Robby totally looks familiar! Did he go to BYUI???

Melissa said...

How fun! I am proud of you for going. You look beautiful. Honestly, all the girls still look the same, it is the guys who look older!

Trenda said...

Emily, yes, Robby did go to BYU-I. He goes by Rob now.

Courtney said...

My 10 year is next year, and am not planning to go, but you made it look, I think that I will have to reconsider :) Where did you get your reunion dress??? I LOVE it!!
P.S. I agree with the rest, you look great!

Leslie said...

You still look like you are in high school! How fun to see all of your old pals!

The Murdocks said...

How fun! I have always thought about whether I would go to my 10 year reunion or not. You look amazing. It's fun to see how people change, especially if it is for the better.

Jenna said...

I'm glad you went! I had debated over going to my 10 year last year...I ended up going and I was so glad. I didn't see all of my old buddies there, but I reconnected with many...and looked great! I agree, you look even thinner now than in high school! (I wish I could say that for myself!).

Underwood's in Cali said...

that was fun to see the pics of then and now. You look great in both but I think everyone pretty much looked better now than then. Weird, I think people hold onto high school as the "glory days" and all your friends looked cute now.

Stacy said...

You look the same. Plus your hair so beautiful! Looks like you had a fun time. Im not sure if i will go to my 10 yr. reunion.