Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Tagged again!

Michelle tagged me, so I thought I'd oblige because I know how it feels when you tag someone and they don't respond . . . uggh rejection.

Jobs I've had (way too many)!

  1. Sold and picked blackberries at a blackberry farm.
  2. Graziano's Pizza Restaurant
  3. Tilly's Clothing Store
  4. Hostess at Black Angus
  5. YMCA Summer Camp Counselor
  6. Sunglow Potato Plant in Idaho (what an interesting experience that was)!
  7. Food server at the BYU Idaho Cafeteria
  8. Sales Rep for Cutco Cutlery
  9. Substitute Teacher (current)
  10. Mom (current)

Places I've lived (way too many)!

  1. Provo, Utah
  2. Seattle, Washington
  3. Burley, Idaho
  4. Twinfalls, Idaho
  5. Declo, Idaho
  6. Rexburg, Idaho
  7. Tustin, California
  8. Riverside, California
  9. Temecula, California
  10. Fullerton, California
  11. Cascais, Portugal
  12. Setubal, Portugal
  13. Praia, Cape Verde (West Africa)
  14. Fogo, Cape Verde (West Aftica)

Foods I love (way too many)!

  1. BBQ chicken
  2. Homemade Lasagna
  3. Cobb Salad and BBQ Chicken Salad
  4. Hummus and Pita Chips
  5. Peanut Butter with almost anything
  6. fresh fruit
  7. Frozen Yogurt/Smoothies
  8. corn bread
  9. cheese cake

Websites I visit (way too many)!

  1. Google
  2. Mapquest
  3. Various Blogs
  4. Ebay
  5. Craig's List
  6. Yahoo
  7. Youtube
  8. lds.org
Places I'd rather be (way too many)!

  1. Hawaii
  2. The Beach
  3. The Gym
  4. Snow Boarding
  5. Water Skiing
  6. Visiting areas/people I served on my mission.
  7. In a big house (I'm done with apartments)!
  8. On a date with Craig.
  9. Visiting with family and friends I haven't seen for a while.

Movies I love (I'm not a huge movie fan, but here are a few that stand out to me)!

  1. Armageddon
  2. The Sixth Sense
  3. Ann of Green Gables
  4. Cheaper by the Dozen
  5. Grease
  6. Pursuit of Happiness

TV Shows I watch (I don't view these religiously, but if I had a DVR, these would be recorded)!

  1. The Biggest Loser
  2. Survivor
  3. American Idol
  4. Oprah


Lindsay said...

You have some LONG lists, lady!!! I think it's fun to read these.

Weston & Jennie said...

My lists are going to be just as long as yours (if I ever make it around to them). It really must be that we have lived longer than the rest of these youngins.

Michelle said...

Thanks for not rejecting me. :) It was fun to learn a few things about you. :)