Sunday, October 21, 2007

Cade's first trip to the dentist!

After watching various shows and reading various books about the dentist, Cade was very anxious to go. He would regularly remind me that he really needed to go to the dentist, and I agreed, since he just turned three and had never been, so I made an appointment and off we went!
On the way there he kept saying that the dentist was going to put pink stuff in his mouth and it tasted yummy! He also said he was going to get a pink shirt! Who knows where he heard that from. I agreed that he would probably get pink stuff . . . but yummy? I said sure, but personally I can't stand it! And the pink shirt, I told him most likely not, but maybe a sticker! This didn't deter his excitement. He was acting as if we were going to an amusment park or something!
Here he is right before it was his turn. . . happy as can be!
Cade's thoughts: Ohhh, this must be the magnificent "dentist" (to him all the workers there are dentists). Maybe this is the yummy pink stuff I've heard so much about!

Cade cooperated for the x-rays of his front teeth but wouldn't bite down for the back ones. I heard the dental assistant tell him not to bite her finger, and when I asked him why he wouldn't bite down he said, "I didn't want to bite the dentist's finger." Next time I'll have to warn the dental assistant not to say that.

Cade's thougths: Ummm, there isn't anything yummy or exciting about this! Elmo and Blue made it seem much more exciting!

Dentist: OK Cade, it's time to recline your chair and see your teeth.

Cade: But I'm watching Blue's Clues! (It is always a bad thing when you try to pry this kid away from one of his shows when he is right in the middle of watching it).

Dentist: You can watch Blue's Clues when we are done.

Chair reclining and Cade is whining and trying to sit up. (I can tell at this point it is not going to be good so I go over and hold down his hands so the dentist can look in his mouth without him wacking her)!

Me: Cade, the dentist is putting the yummy pink stuff in your mouth now.

Cade: Gagging . . . I don't like it!

Cade after his dentist appointmt: I was decieved. I'm never trusting Elmo or Blue again and I am never coming back here!

After all was said and done, we found out Cade has no cavities (in his front teeth anyway). We'll have to wait for another appointment to find out about the back teeth. Hopefully he will cooperate a little better for the next one, if I can even get him out the door to go! Even though he didn't cooperate that well, he still got a little toy, a sticker, a toothbrush, and a certificate that says he is officially a member of the "Happy Tooth Cavity Fighter Club," but no pink shirt! Bummer!

As stated at the bottom of the award, he is entitled to all the rights and privileges of full membership in this club . . . whatever that means!


Robin and Stephenie said...

How fun! your a good mom to take pictures! Someday he might laugh at this. We are going to make an appointment for Kenidee to go this week. we will see how it goes.

Carrie Anne said...

Oh that is so funny and awesome! That rocks that you guys are moving here in 2 weeks! So cool! We'll have to have a Fullerton reunion!!!! Yahoo! I hope the move goes well.:) Love the housing list, too...what a great idea!

Lindsay said...

Those pictures are hilarious!!! I thought the people there thought *I* was nuts for taking ONE picture and here you are taking TEN!!! LOL! Way to document the occasion, Mom! And congrats on no cavities!

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

I'm such a freak about taking pictures that I didn't even think anything of you taking pictures at the dentist, until I read Lindsay's remarks. We are a bunch of picture fanatics, aren't we?

Melissa said...

That is so funny. Kids are hilarious. Savannah has yet to go to the dentist (We won't have dental until Jan), but I'm sure it will be quite the experience. At least he has his certificate, you should frame it and hang it on the wall :)

Stacy said...

He is just too cute... Even when he is mad. haha

Jessica said...

Good boy. I have a hard time getting Brynlee to brush her teeth. It is like a fight everytime. We are working on it thought. Ok about the templates, if you download from pyzam your links will be erased. I just don't know how to save them. I found out the hard way.

Jenna said...

Oh how fun! Just so you know, I'm impressed with how well Cade did! When Matthew had his first dental exam we were lucky to get him to open his mouth--and we had to hold him down in the seat!!! ...AND, his dentist is his grandpa!!! To top it off, his grandma is his dental hygenist! If he won't cooperate with them, I don't know what to think...let's just hope he doesn't end up with a cavity...they'll have to put him under!

Underwood's in Cali said...

too funny. I can't believe he sat through that