Friday, August 24, 2007

More funny conversations with Cade!

While Cade was watching Barney, they started singing the "I love you, you love me" song, and so he came over to me and was hugging me, while we both sang the song (this is his tradition whenever that song comes on) . . .

Cade: You smell like really poo! (while squirming away from me and running away)

If you can't tell, what he meant was you really smell like poo! I guess his idea of the smell of a zesty chicken bowl from Taco Bell on my breath was poo! LOL! Leave it to kids to be brutally honest!

While sitting in Church during sacrament meeting . . .

Craig: Cade, you need to be quiet when we are at church.

Cade (pointing to the speaker and speaking in a very loud voice): But that man up there is talking really loud, he needs to be quiet too!

Obviously he doesn't understand this concept of a "Speaker" especially when it is not him! He always wants it to be him!

While eating dinner last night, after Cade has just put a blob of ketchup on the table . . .

Me: Cade, don't put ketchup on the table . . . just leave it on your plate.

Cade: But, it's a ketchup man!

After I clean up the ketchup man and Cade proceeds to put multiple blobs of ketchup on the table. . .

Me: Cade, I told you not to put ketchup on the table, now you don't get to have ketchup with your food.

Cade: But, it's a ketchup family!

Well, at least I know Cade has quite the imagination and is very creative, but does he have to be so messy while using his imagination and creativity!?

Craig (while pointing at one of his classmates shoes): Cade, what color are her shoes?

Cade: Umm, silver!

Craig: Not quite . . . their gold!

Cade (with big eyes and a look of realization on his face): There are gold plates in the Book of Mormon!

I guess he really is learning something from the childrens Book of Mormon that I've been reading to him . . . sometimes I've wondered!


Alisha said...

That's so funny! Kids are hilarious. You should check out my friend Amy's blog. She has a 3 year old that says some pretty hilarious stuff too. It's under Ben & Amy Simiskey on my page if you want to look!

Michelle said...

SO funny! Last week at church I heard Craig say something like, "he's supposed to be talking loud," and I thought it was so funny! Cade is so cute!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I do recognize you. What is your maiden name? I'm dying for another mission reunion, esp now that I live in Utah and can attend more than the only one right after I got home from the mission. Your family is darling. Thanks for saying hi and making contact! Take care!

Melissa said...

So funny! It is so cute to hear what they are going to say, and how they are putting together their thoughts. Savannah is a little motor-mouth lately, I don't even think she takes time to breathe. She just talks, talks, talks...sometimes me and Ivan are like, enough! But then when we listen to what she is saying, it is so darling. It sounds like he is lots of fun!