Saturday, June 23, 2007

Ambree is ONE today!!

A year ago, at this time, I was laying in a hospital bed at Anaheim Memorial Hospital in LOTS of pain! Why you ask? Because I was in LABOR! And I had been in Labor for 15 hours! In total, it was 18 hours, but who's counting? Fun times?! Even though it was not fun, it was all worth it, in order to bring our little angel, Ambree Joy into the world! She weighed 9lbs. and was 20 1/2 inches long. I can't believe how fast this year has flown by! Ambree has brought such a sweet spirit into our home and we can't imagine our lives without her! We love her so much!



Here is a copy of the first journal entry that I did for her a little over a year ago:

June 25, 2006 (Sunday)

Ambree, we are so happy and very grateful that you are healthy and strong and here with us today. We had a couple of scares when I was pregnant with you. The first was when my doctor found two cysts on your brain when I had an ultrasound about half way through the pregnancy. The cysts were called Choroid Plexus Cysts. When I first heard the news I had no idea what this meant. Did this mean that you were going to die, or have brain damage, or have big cysts that were obvious to everyone who saw you? Needless to say, I had a lot of questions and concerns. I was informed by my doctor that a lot of babies have these while in the womb and that they usually go away without a problem. He also told me I needed to get another, more thorough ultrasound to make sure that you didn’t have any other problems that they missed. After doing a lot of research on the computer about Choroid Plexus Cysts and reading a lot of stories about other moms who where pregnant and their doctors told them the same thing and then their babies ended up being fine, I wasn’t too worried. Although I wanted you to be perfectly healthy, I knew that what ever ended up happening would be the Lords will and that it was in his hands. Another scare happened when I was about three weeks away from my due date with you. The doctor, Dr. In Hur, said that you were breech, meaning your head hadn’t dropped. He said that it looked like the placenta was in your way and that you probably wouldn’t turn before delivery. He then said if that was the case I would have to have a cesarean section. I really did not want to have to have a c-section, but knew it was out of my hands. I prayed to the Lord, asking him to help you to move, if it was his will, and sure enough you did. I was able to have a normal, vaginal delivery. You are very beautiful. A lot of people have told me what a pretty baby you are and everyone loves your long, dark hair. It is pretty hard to maintain because it sticks up all over the place, but it is still very cute and people compliment you on your hair all the time. It will be interesting to see if it stays dark or if it turns blond like your brother’s hair did. I am going to make a copy of my personal journal entry about your delivery and put it in this book, so you can read that to get more detail about your delivery. It is good to be home now, although I am nervous to try and take care of two children now. Luckily Grandma Williams is going to be here helping me a lot during the day for the first week and then Grandma Poulter will be here the next week. You are a very good baby so far. You barely ever cry and you sleep a lot. We are hoping you will continue to have such and sweet and calm disposition, even when you are a teenager! We’ll see!


Throughout this past year I have been taking pictures of Ambree every month to document her growth. It is really interesting to see how much she changed every month! As she got older, it was a lot more difficult to get her to lay in this position long enough to take a picture. . . that's why some of the pictures are a little blurry (plus the fact that we got a new camera and I wasn't exactly sure how to do the settings on it). There is also one picture that has a different blanket in it because I left the star one at my mom's house. . . so sad! Maybe some time when I have some extra time I will photo shop the star blanket into the picture and see if that works! Any way, enjoy the evolution of Ambree throughout her first year!

June 2006July 2006
August 2006 September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007

February 2007

March 2007
April 2007

May 2007


Aaron & Sara Warren said...

I love the picture progression! Although, I'm almost certain September and October are the same picture. Either that, or Ambree is REALLY good at the exact same pose. :oP

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

DUDE! Aaron and I just went back to the page and the pictures are all different now. Are you editting as we comment?

Leslie said...

SO ADORABLE!! I love the picture progression. What a great idea! And everyone is right about that is so cute. Cade had dark hair when he was small too?

Trenda said...

Oh yeah Sara, you must have been looking at it when I was editing it! I posted it and then I realized Sep. and Oct. were the same and I fixed it.LOL!

Trenda said...

Leslie, to answer your question, Cade's hair was brown when he was born, but not as dark as Ambrees was. Cades fell out and grew back in blond and Ambrees just stayed in and lightened up!

Alisha said...

Ambree is so cute and I just LOVE that star blanket you chose to put her on for (almost) each and every month! Wherever did you get such a cute blanket? :)

Trenda said...

Oh yeah, you gave us that! It is one of my favorites . . . obviously, since I chose it for this project! Thanks again!

Lindsay said...

Happy Birthday, Ambree!! :)

I did the picture every month with my kids too. It's amazing to see the changes! I can't believe how much Ambree looks like Cade in the very first picture, but by three months, she really had changed!

The Murdocks said...

She is so cute and is getting so big! I remember when we first moved in the ward she was so tiny and Craig handed her off to Jeremy in sunday school for a minute so he could read something. IT was so funny to see Jeremy's reaction to holding a baby. He quickly handed her off to me. She is so cute!

Melissa said...

How sweet! She is so cute. I can't believe she is already one and I have never met her. You will have to give me a call next time you are in UT!

Underwood's in Cali said...

wow, what a great idea