This is me when I was two years old sitting on the bride, which is Kathy's lap. This was her marriage to her first husband, Ty. On the far left is my aunt Irene, and on the far right is my mom, Joy, in the middle is my aunt Diane, and Ty is to the right of her. All the children are cousins.

-She was my own personal beautician. She owned her own nail and facial shop in Orange County and did my nails for every special occasion I had. She also gave me facials, pedicures, waxed my eye brows, highlighted my hair, and got salon hair products for me with her discount.
-She took me to my first Broadway musical, which was "Cats".
-She taught me how to play "Nertz" card game and she was the queen of the game. We played it all the time.
-I stayed many weekends with her and Tyler and she would take us out the dinner, to the movies, to the beach, to the pool, etc.
-She loved BBQ chicken and salads and made them for us a lot when we went to her home. Maybe that's why those are two of my favorite foods.
-My mom would usually meet her at her shop to drop me off for sleep overs and she would always get us doughnuts and orange juice from the shop next door.
-She took my brothers and I on an over night ski trip and we stayed in a cabin.
-She lived in a community in Irvine and had access to the lake, the lagoon, lots of pools, the bike park, etc. I have lots of fun memories with her at those places.
-She would play in the water with us at the beach and always buy us Popsicles to eat on the way home.
-She was an amazing singer. She sang lots of solos at various church events, including my missionary farewell and homecoming.
-We were always making deals with each other to help us stay on our fitness and eating healthy routines. She still owes me $15.00 :)
-When I was in high school she said she would give me $100.00 if I could go a year without chocolate, and I did, and she paid me.
-She was always genuinely happy to see me and very interested in my life and what was going on with me.
-She was very easy to talk to and loved to talk and listen.
-She was the life of the party and had a contagious laugh. If Kathy was going to be there, you knew it was going to be fun.
-She was always thinking about others, and what she could do to make their lives easier and to make them feel more loved and appreciated.
-She was a pro at knowing all about color personalities and we had many conversations about this when all the family got together.
-This past summer I went to her community pool in Orem almost every week. It helped so much with my transition from Calfornia to Utah and it was fun to visit with her.
-A few months ago, we took a road trip to Rexburg for my cousin's wedding. It was just Kathy, my sister, Brittany and me. It was fun to talk the whole way there and back. I learned a lot more about Kathy's life on that trip. I am so grateful for it.
-She attended every major event in my life and a lot of minor ones as well, like choir concerts, sporting events, dance competitions, etc.
-She was very knowledgeable of the gospel and often would bear her testimony to me through conversation, weather she realized it or not.
-She was a second mom, a best friend, and my Aunt.
I love you so much Aunt Kathy, and I can't wait to see you again!!
Oh Trenda, I'm so sorry for your loss. What an amazing woman. I'm so glad you were able to have someone so special in your life, but I can't imagine how much you must be hurting right now. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you, I will remember you in my prayers.
What a beautiful tribute to what sounds like one amazing lady. My heart is aching for your loss Trenda. I am so sorry. What a blessing to have her in your life & I am sure she considered it a blessing to have you as her niece.
What a wonderful woman she is! We love you, and hope that things will feel better soon. It's so hard to lose a loved you said, "Till we meet again". It's hard to wait...but what joy when that time comes!
I am sorry about the loss of your aunt. Your last 2 posts really had an impact on me. We just never know when our journey here in this life will end. I have a renewed desire to be a better person, a better wife, and a better mother. I wish you and your family the best during this hard time.
I am so sorry it ended this way for your family. Some of the best ones also make the best angels for Him. I am so glad for you that you have all of those memories with her. It is always so sad to see a loss and the people have so many regrets and "only if's".
I'm so sorry for your loss. You have talked about her and how much she means to you, and you are so lucky to have had someone so special and loving, a second mom, in your life. I know she will be missed. Let me know what I can do for you. Your tribute was awesome!
I'm so sorry for your loss. How hard to have to say good-bye, even if it is only for awhile...
What a blessing she was to you in your life. How fortunate you were to know her. Hang in there, I know it's not easy.
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