Monday, February 9, 2009

Celebrating Kathy's life . . .

This past week has been filled with so many emotions. All week, I have been going back and forth from my home, to Orem, helping with funeral preparations, as much as possible with two kids. I have seen lots of family and friends that I haven't seen for a while, which has been fun. On Friday I helped decorate at the church for the funeral, I put a scrapbook together for people to sign at the funeral, I cleaned, I cooked, and we had a family get together with all of our family that was in town. We had a nice dinner and spent 2 1/2 hours just sharing memories about Kathy. We laughed, we cried, we hugged, we danced (some famous Kathy dances), we watched a DVD with pictures from Kathy's life, we stayed up way too late! I didn't get home until almost 1:30 am. Luckily my wonderful mother in law had my kids Friday and Saturday. On Saturday morning, we headed to Orem for the viewing. I thought I would be OK, since I had already seen Kathy's body the day before at the funeral home, but no such luck. I lost it the moment I saw her. I lost it when I watched the video at the viewing with footage of her singing, footage of her wedding, etc. At 10:00 we headed into the chapel for the funeral, and It was amazing. The overflow area had to be opened up to accommodate all the people. There were beautiful musical numbers, and the speakers were wonderful. Although it was a very emotional experience, the spirit was so strong, and I could have listened for hours more. I could definitely feel Kathy's presence, and I know she is at peace. I am so grateful for the gospel and the perspective it gives us on death, and what happens after death. I know that the teachings are true and that I will see Kathy again.

Here is a copy of the program (front) . . .
Back of the program . . .

Inside of the program (in case you weren't sure) . . . :)

A few pictures from the burial . . .

Me with my siblings. . .

Me with my cousins, Shanna and Lyndi . . .

Kathy's husband, Mike, saying his last goodbye . . .

Although Kathy will be missed by many, I know that we all feel very blessed for the time that we had to be with her here on earth. We love you!


Janell said...

Those are all touching photographs, it's all I can do to keep from crying. I enjoyed reading about all of your favorites memories with Kathy, I totally remember that year without chocolate!!! :)

Stacey said...

It looks like it was a beautiful celebration. I am sorry you have lost someone so dear to you.

Leslie said...

Tren, so sorry you and your family are having to go through this. The funeral sounds like it was a beautiful service and I hope you were able to get some closure from the time there. I will keep you all in my prayers. Love ya!

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your Aunt, Trenda. As you may recall, my Mom recently passed from cancer. I know how tough this time can be when you find joy that they are out of their pain and yet tremendous heartache for your own loss and all that are affected by her loss. You're right when you say that the Plan of Salvation brings great comfort. What a blessing the Gospel is in our lives. I will keep you and your family in our prayers.