Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Halloween . . . Late, I Know!

We are finally moved in!! I am so sick of packing, moving, unpacking, organizing, etc. We have a little more organizing to do, but for the most part we are moved in. We didn't even have our computer set up until yesterday! I know you were all sad about me not blogging for a while. LOL! Everything has been so busy and crazy that I haven't really had time to think much about missing people and things back in good old California, until today. And especially now that I am doing this post! It's funny how people always seem to want what they don't have. For so long I have been anticipating Craig finishing Optometry school, and now I wish I was still there! I know, I know, things will get better and we are one step closer to having a nice income and a house, etc. etc., but I still miss home! I hope you are all doing well there, and in other places too (fellow fourth years). Anyway, here are some late Halloween pictures. . . enjoy!
Cade really wanted to be Buzz for Halloween, so we thought it would be cute to have Ambree be a girl version of an Alien from Toy Story. Little did I know how much work It would be to make her costume! I had to re-do parts of it so many times, but it turned out pretty well in the end. Our Halloween festivities began on Friday the 26th when we went to Craig's school and took the kids trick-or-treating in the administration building and the clinic. Here are some of the kiddos . . . I can't believe we got them all to hold still and look somewhat at the camera!
Next it was off to my dad's work. He works about 5 miles from my house and usually has a Halloween party that I take my kids to, but this year since the kids were going to be gone on Halloween, I just took them to the office so he could see them in their costumes and show them off to his co-workers. My mom was babysitting my nephew, Brogan, so we put him in a Woody costume and took him too. It was a lot of work, but we actually got some pretty cute pictures!
As you can see, Ambree's alien head is still pretty big here. It kept falling off, which was pretty frustrating after all that work. When we got home I fixed it before we headed off to our church Halloween party that night. . . see, doesn't that look better!
A few days before Halloween Cade asked me what I was going to be for Halloween. I told him that Daddy and I were going to be old people. My roomies and I were old women one year for Halloween, and it turned out to be pretty funny, so I thought Craig and I could do that too. Cade gave me a funny look and said, "No, I don't want you to be an old person, I want you to be Woody!" I then said, "Woody's a boy, maybe daddy could be Woody and I'll be Jessie." Cade agreed to that, and so I scrambled trying to find things that would work for our costumes and it turned out pretty well. Cade loved the idea of us all being Toy Story Characters since he has been obsessed with Toy Story for the past year or so!

The following night Craig and I went to the annual Student Spouse Association Halloween party (for adults only) at Craig's school. We had yummy food, had a "Fear Factor" game, carved pumpkins, and had a costume contest. It turned out to be a lot of fun, and there were a lot of great costumes!

Last year Craig and I won the "Fear Factor" game, so we thought for sure we would win again this year! LOL! We made it through the first round where I had to find gummy worms that were mixed in "pumpkin guts" without my hands and feed them to Craig.

In the next round, the girls were locked in handcuffs and we had to tell our husbands where to go to find the key, while they were blindfolded. Everyone was yelling and Craig couldn't hear anything I was saying! Needless to say, we didn't win that round. . . so sad!

In the last round they had to eat chocolate covered anchovies (I guess it's a good thing we lost and didn't have to do that)!

And the winners were . . . Super Man and Super Woman! Of course it would be them. I mean, if they can fly, and crush rocks with their bare hands, why wouldn't they be able to find a key while blind folded and eat chocolate covered anchovies!

But that's OK because Craig and I won an award for the best costume overall! We wouldn't have wanted to take away all the prizes, you know, as humble as we are. LOL!

Craig and Me: Best costume overall, Jenna and David Steed: Funniest costume, Shunae and Travis Shelton: Scariest costume

After the SSA party our Halloween festivities were over and it was packing and moving from them on out! So Fun!


Weston & Jennie said...

I am glad that you are up and running. It took us a while too. i happened to notice your comment on carries blog. What the heck were you doing at 5:04 am and on the computer no less. Crazy girl. We miss you too! I have done this before but this time does seem a little bit more permanent therefore a little harder. Sydney always asks me if we are going to go on a walk with Trenda and Cade. Poor girl. Have you been surprised by the weather? It has been a nice transition. How are the living arrangements? Maybe we could try and get together over Thanksgiving. We will be in Provo Wed-Sun. I am sure that Sydney would love to see Cade. Let me know. Take care.

Trenda said...

I woke up at 5:00 am and couldn't go back to sleep so I thought I'd check out some blogs! I am feeling it now though! Things are going well, but Cade is struggling too. He wants to see his friends. It would be fun to get together over Thanksgiving. Will you be in Provo?

Jenna said...

I want to visit too! Too bad I won't be in Provo.... ): We already miss you guys! --Keep up the blogging!!! (:

Becky Mutter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Becky Mutter said...

I deleted my former comment because I've decided that I shouldn't put city names/locations etc. out there for people to be tracked down. But, I said: I can't believe you're gone. Relief Society was so empty on Sunday. I know it's hard on everybody now, but kids adapt very quickly. They'll soon forget about all of us back here. :( Keep blogging so we can keep in touch.

Robin and Stephenie said...

GREAT IDEA! you are so fun! I am excited your in utah. I talked to angela and we so are going to come down to see you! I might just leave Kenidee with Robin. I really did miss your blog. I love seeing you and your family.

Lindsay said...

Good to see that you're getting settled in!

You said - "For so long I have been anticipating Craig finishing Optometry school, and now I wish I was still there!" I could have posted the SAME exact thing (substituting Matt's name, of course)! I'm already missing the day to day life that we had there in California. Seeing family every other day just isn't the same as being able get out with your friends!

Robin and Stephenie said...

I posted this on my blog too but I should have done it on yours... we might just have to come down twice and they are dedicating the Rexburg temple feb. 3 and the open house starts december 29. tickets are available on nov.26 If you want them you can go to www.lds.org/reservations. that would be a good time to see you too. because we live at the bottom of the hill. how fun!

Michelle said...

You got some great pictures! I loved your costumes! We miss you guys too! Sunday seemed so empty and weird with all you gone... Onto bigger and better things, soon, though! Hang in there, change can be rough, but it can always work out well too! :)

Carrie Anne said...

Oh I know these feelings of moving...so many pros/cons because you're moving on with your life closer to "arriving" at your ultimate goal, but there is no time like your time in school...your relationships/friendships are so deep and close. I miss CA so much and now Cleveland. It makes me not want to move as much because you have to say goodbye over and over. Grad school is such a great time of life. Good luck with the adjusting...you'll do it with time. And the kids look darling in their costumes! That was a fun idea for you and Craig, too! The Toy Story family! I loved Ambree's! You creative Poulters!:)