Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Many Faces of Cade!

It seems like I usually just keep pictures of my kids where they are doing their nice smiles that take a while sometimes to get. Thank goodness for digital cameras! You can take tons of pictures of the same pose and hopefully one turns out! My sister, Jenny, was babysitting Cade the other day and got a bunch of shots of him making different faces. I thought it would be fun to keep them all (even though some of them aren't the most flattering) to remember the MANY faces of Cade, rather than just the "picture smile".

Tough Cade
Guilty Cade
Fake Smile Cade
Mischievous Cade
Angry Cade
Sad Cade
Bashful Cade
"What are you looking at?" Cade
Silly Cade


Stacy said...

Oh my gosh he is so cute! I love all those pictures! I am glad you guys made it alright!

Leslie said...

Adorable! This one of Cade and the post of Ambree too! So glad you guys made it safely to SLC. We will definitely have to get together the next time we're down there, which probably won't be until January. How long will you guys be there for? I don't know how much longer we'll be here in the 'Burg. Joe has 1.5-2 yrs of school left, depending on how fast he does it. We'll see!

Weston & Jennie said...

This is to funny. I actually have been meaning to do a post of this with Sydney. She loves to pose making different faces and putting her arms and legs in different ways. Some of them are like you said quite unflattering. But funny none the less. Talk to you soon!

Jenna said...

What a great idea! I'll bet your kids will be glad that you documented their "faces" for them...and when they're older, it will be fun to see how the "mature" Cade and Ambree make the same faces on adult bodies!