I guess ya take the good with the bad!!
My husband can attest to the fact that I always say there is good and bad about almost everything. . . I guess that's my way of trying to be optimistic! LOL! Our little trip to Burley, Idaho for a family reunion on my dad's side of my family was just that. . . good and bad. Here are a few of the good and bad things that happened on our trip (good-yellow/bad-black).
-Leaving my husband in California because he was unable to get a lot of time off.
-Cara vanning with my family so I have help with the kids on the loooooong drive.
-Getting up at 6:00am to meet my family in Riverside at 7:00am.
-Waiting an hour at my parents house before we leave.
-Staying the night in Provo at my Aunt Kathy's house.
-Losing Cade's favorite shoes (crocs) while at Kathy's house.
-Running into very little traffic on the way there. . . yeah!
-Driving with my brother, Steven, the whole way!
-Getting to my grandma's house on Sunday before everyone else!
-Cade throwing up every hour or so from 12:00am-5:00am our first night at my grandma's house!
-My grandma watching my kids so I could sleep in after being up until 5:00am.
-Spending lots of fun time with family!
(some of the girls)
-Leaving my husband in California because he was unable to get a lot of time off.
-Cara vanning with my family so I have help with the kids on the loooooong drive.
-Getting up at 6:00am to meet my family in Riverside at 7:00am.
-Waiting an hour at my parents house before we leave.
-Staying the night in Provo at my Aunt Kathy's house.
-Losing Cade's favorite shoes (crocs) while at Kathy's house.
-Running into very little traffic on the way there. . . yeah!
-Driving with my brother, Steven, the whole way!
-Getting to my grandma's house on Sunday before everyone else!
-Cade throwing up every hour or so from 12:00am-5:00am our first night at my grandma's house!
-My grandma watching my kids so I could sleep in after being up until 5:00am.
-Spending lots of fun time with family!
(some of the girls)
Hangin' out with my little man!

All my siblings were there (me 28, Justin 26, Steven 22, Jenny16, Derrick 24, Brittany19)
All my siblings were there (me 28, Justin 26, Steven 22, Jenny16, Derrick 24, Brittany19)
We are getting so old!
-Shopping with "the girls" at the Burley mall, which consists of JC Penny and Maurices and finding a cute new outfit. . . buy capris, get the shirt for 88 cents! (see outfit above).
-Having awesome brothers that helped me sooooo much with my kids, while I didn't have my husband to help! Thanks Derrick and Steven!

-Going on a four mile run with my brother Justin and his wife, Tara.
-Keeping up with them the first two miles.
-Needing to walk a while after that.
-Finishing the last two miles alone.
-Having no water and feeling so desperate that I drank water from a sprinkler!
-Finishing the run/walk later than I thought and being too late to go to the parade!
-Have a great dad and brothers who took Cade to the parade anyway!
-Dressed Ambree up in a very patriotic outfit. . . she looked soooo cute!
-Didn't get a picture of her before she spilled baked beans all over herself and ripped the bow off the clip!
Cade having fun after the parade, petting the pony!
My dad with Cade and Steven with Brogan!
- Inner tubing behind a motor boat!
-Feeling very sore from tubing and the previously mentioned 4 mile run!
-Taking Cade on his first boat ride (we are in the back center).

-Having a beautiful view of the Snake River (this is my grandma's backyard)!
-Having way too many people in a small house!
-Being one of the few to have my own room, with my kids of course.
-Cade getting into the sour cream left on the table after dinner and getting it all over himself and his toy. . . luckily he didn't have his shirt on!
-Taking Cade on his first boat ride (we are in the back center).
-Having a beautiful view of the Snake River (this is my grandma's backyard)!
-Being one of the few to have my own room, with my kids of course.
-Celebrating Ambree's birthday two times (once with my family in Idaho, and again with Craig's in Utah).

-Cade insisting on opening Amree's presents and blowing out the candle on her cake at both parties!
-Cade insisting on opening Amree's presents and blowing out the candle on her cake at both parties!
-Having the battery on my camera die, during Ambree's party in Idaho (that's the reason I don't have many pictures from that party).
-Driving from Burley to Salt Lake alone with two kids!
-Meeting up with Craig in Utah on our way back!
-Spending the night at my in laws house in Salt Lake City!

-Ambree being more interested in feeding Craig the cake than eating it herself. . . I guess that could be a good thing according to my previous post!
-Lots of family to celebrate Ambree's birthday with!

-Watching Ambree and her cousin Jacob play with her new toys!

-Watching the sunset on my in laws roof with my cute husband!
-Driving from Burley to Salt Lake alone with two kids!
-Meeting up with Craig in Utah on our way back!
-Spending the night at my in laws house in Salt Lake City!
-Ambree being more interested in feeding Craig the cake than eating it herself. . . I guess that could be a good thing according to my previous post!
-Lots of family to celebrate Ambree's birthday with!
-Watching Ambree and her cousin Jacob play with her new toys!
-Watching the sunset on my in laws roof with my cute husband!
-Having Craig with me on our drive back to California!
-Stopping to eat at the Casa Blanca Buffet in Mesquite and finding out it is $16.50 a person because it is sea food night.
-Deciding to go to the Oasis Buffet instead and wait for 15 minutes for it to open.
-Discovering that it is sea food night there too, and costs $15.00 a person. . . decide at this point just to pay the money and eat!
-Stopping at a rest stop in Baker where it was 113 degrees at 7:00pm and very windy, with no changing tables or grass!
-Sitting in lots of traffic, due to 3 car accidents, high winds, construction, and 2 closed freeways that we were going to get on.
-Having a portable DVD player!
-Hearing "The wheels on the bus" and other children's songs over and over again!
-Having lots of snacks, toys, and books!
-Arriving home at 11:30 pm instead of 9:00pm as planned!
-Stopping at a rest stop in Baker where it was 113 degrees at 7:00pm and very windy, with no changing tables or grass!
-Sitting in lots of traffic, due to 3 car accidents, high winds, construction, and 2 closed freeways that we were going to get on.
-Having a portable DVD player!
-Hearing "The wheels on the bus" and other children's songs over and over again!
-Having lots of snacks, toys, and books!
-Arriving home at 11:30 pm instead of 9:00pm as planned!
-Arriving home safely and still some what sane!
-The children going right to bed when we got home, and not waking up again until 9:00am!
I love your blogs! They are so creative! You make list of top 10's, 20's, good vs. bad... I love it! Hope you're doing well and recovering from your trip! I'm currently in Colorado helping Tiffany with her new baby, Avery. She is a month old and so beautiful! I've been getting up at night with her for one or two feedings and that's been a good experience... really! The thing is, I get to go home tomorrow and catch up on sleep but Tiffany doesn't! And Avery is so cute at night sucking on her little bottle. I'll post pictures of my trip when I get back. Talk to ya later!
Sorry to hear that Cade was so sick! :( That's no fun! I love the picture of you and Craig with the sunset! What a fun idea! Glad you're back!
Fun...it's funny how when you go on vacation now it is basically catering a vacation for your kids :) Of course it's worth it, but sometimes it feels like the vacation was more draining that relaxing! It looks like you had so much fun. 4 miles...I'm impressed! It reminds me of the old Cascais days. When are you coming to UT to live? (or did I just dream that?) We are coming to So Cal in October, but for some reason I think that may be when you are coming here...go figure!
Melissa, We are moving to Utah at the end of October! When are you coming here?
Cute way to sum up your trip, T! Love the pic of you and Craig on the roof....you two are so cute together.
My goodness! This is certainly the season of family reunions! I love the pictures of you with your siblings (siblings are the best!) and the one of you and Craig on the roof is awesome! You better keep up this blog before you move back to UT! We'll have to crash the AP Ward before the summer is through.
We are coming the 10th-14th, Ivan has a conference, so we thought it would be a good time to hit Disneyland. Hopefully we can get together!
You're moving to UTAH?!?!
Alisha, we will be moving to Utah to live with Craig's parents for a while while Craig is finishing up his internship! We'll be there Nov-April. . . after his graduation in May, we still don't know what we will be doing!
I love your lists, Trenda! And so many great pics to look at! Glad you're back!
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