Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Just Another Day at the Beach . . . and the Park!!

Yesterday was my first beach trip with my two kiddos and no hubby, and I survived!! I did go with some girlfriends (Lindsay Palmer and Michelle Larson) and their kiddos, so I wasn't completely alone! Thanks girls for your help!
On this outing, I learned lots of things along the way . . . you know me . . . always learning! Here are some pics. and some of the things I learned . . .

-It takes way longer to pack for a beach trip than I thought . . . give yourself A LOT of time!

-Don't attempt to find free parking, just pay the $2.00 at the parking meter and get on with it!

-When you have just gotten to the beach, don't expect your kids or anyone else's kids to look at you when you want to take their picture!
(Cade playing in the sand with Blake and Gavin Palmer)

-Surf boards that you find, just sticking out of the sand, make great props for pictures, but are probably not the best idea for rolling toy cars down!

-The hat, and sunglasses are cute and all, but only last for 5 minutes (on Cade at least), so really what is the point . . . it's just more to pack and remember to take back home!

-No matter how much of your own food you pack for the kids, other people's food will always look better! (Ambree mooching almost all of Dylan Larson's food from his mommy, Michelle)

-I think I now understand why they are called, "SANDwiches!"

-Sand in her food doesn't seem to faze Ambree at all, but it drives Cade crazy!

-It is impossible to keep sand off kids hands at the beach and therefore off of their food!

-Ambree loves the beach, and she loved the water . . .

-after she got used to it! This was her first time in the water at the beach!

-Cade loved the water . . .

-and the sand . . .

-as long as he wasn't eating, he was perfectly fine with it all over his body!

-If you don't hold onto Cade's hand while out in the waves, they may knock him over.

-It is very difficult to help him up if you have a baby in one hand and a camera in the other, but it is possible!

-Cade hates to get bath water in his eyes, but the "falling completely under the water at the beach incident" didn't seem to faze him in the least!

-Cade would play with me in the waves all day if I let him!

-There is no point in taking a magazine to read at the beach anymore!

-Going to the beach is a completely different experience now than it was when I was a teenager!

-It is best to leave the beach before your kids get tired and whiny . . . otherwise, Cade will cry hysterically during the whole walk back to the car, saying that he wants you to hold him . . . as if I had a spare arm to do that!

-Extra arms would be very helpful when carrying a baby, towels, a backpack, bag of trash, and sand toys from the shore to your car!

-Don't give the bag of trash to your crying toddler to carry or they will most likely dump it all out and cry even more! This whole scene is especially embarrassing/funny in a way, when you are right next to two young, single girls (wearing very skimpy bikinis) laying out trying to have a nice relaxing day . . . I am sure I solidified their decision never to have children! LOL!

-After all the drama getting to the car, your kiddos will fall asleep in the car and you will have a very peaceful drive home and think about the FUN time you just had . . . for the most part!

After we got home and had naps and baths, we headed over to the park for our ward's Pioneer Day celebration . . . It was fun seeing everyone and just letting the kids play! Of course I took a picture with my "blog buddies" that were there . . .

Lindsay Palmer, Sara Warren, Me, and Michelle Larson . . . where was Leslie Sanders? We'll have to get another one with her later!?

Cute little Ambree in her "Rainbow Bright" shorts! She is learning how to walk . . . kind of . . .

Ambree and Abby Warren (bloggers in training) have fun playing together . . .

Looks like Craig found himself a comfy spot at the park!

All in all, it was a fun day with family and friends . . . I'm sure it was quite different than the pioneers would have done it though . . . I guess times have changed!!


Aaron & Sara Warren said...

How cute - "Bloggers in Training." I really love those pictures, thanks for sending along to me. It was so great to see you guys! Looks like Craig really did have the best spot last night!

Leslie said...

I really wanted to go to the beach and I am sad I missed it after seeing all of the fun photos! So true that going to the beach now is different than when you were younger and THE SAND! It gets everywhere! Next blogger buddy photo op, I am there!

summer c said...

Hey Trenda! Of course I remember you. It was good to hear from you. I will put you on my list of bloggers.
Cute pics of the beach. I miss the beach and the beauty of california. Nevada is brown and ugly. But we will be here forever so I better learn to love it! What are your plans after graduation. So exciting to almost be done! I remember how relieved and how stresful it was. It still feels like we are in school sometimes but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Good luck with everything.

Lindsay said...

Love the pictures, Trenda!! And it looks like I sucked in and held my chin(s) just right for that pic of the four of us at the park! LOL! :) Oh, and why do I look like a giant standing next to you three???

I love your lists and was totally laughing out loud about Cade crying and then dumping the trash bag!! Haha! It wasn't really funny at the time, but it's good to be able to have a sense of humor about these things!

I can't wait to do the beach again! I was FUN!

Michelle said...

Great pictures! I had so much fun that day. Thanks for the invite... we gotta do it again. And Ambree can mooch anytime, she is so cute... hopefully Dylan will like older girls when he gets older, and they can hook up... LOL! I'll have to post some pics from that day when I get back from visiting my parents.

Becky Mutter said...

You guys are too cute! I love how you organized your post. It looks like you had a good time. I can't even begin to imagine going to the beach without my hubby. I'd probably have a major anxiety attack trying to keep an eye on just my 3 year old - never mind the other 4 kids! ;o)