Sunday, October 26, 2008

A few of my favorite things about California . . .

Back in February, my mother in law gave me a card for my birthday that said she would pay for the kids and I to fly to California to visit my family. Well, A couple weeks ago I finally took her up on her offer and the kids and I went to California.

Disneyland: I love how Disneyland is decorated for the holidays. When I was younger I never realized this because we always went in the summer. They had some really neat Halloween decorations and shows.

My dad and Cade posing in front of the "Corn" :)

Even the characters were dressed up in fall/Halloween colors . . .Cade giving Minnie some love!

Cade couldn't have been happier when we realized they had a "Woody's Halloween Roundup" show!

I think that Cade would have been content to just watch this show over and over all day long and do nothing else. Here he is watching . . .

Guess who they called up to help with the show . . . Cade! This lady sang to him and then he got to stay on stage for a while. He loved every minute of it!

Ambree was sick, so just Cade, my dad, and I went. It was so relaxing without a kid under four! Later in the evening we did meet up with my brother Justin, and his family, and my brother Steven, which was fun too.

Cade already had a picture of himself with Buzz and Woody, so for his birthday he asked for a picture of himself with Jessie. My brother in law, Bryon, photo shopped one for him, but Cade knew it wasn't real. Now he has a real one . . . yay!

The Beach: I was surprised that the weather was nice enough for us to wear swimsuits and play in the water a little bit! My sister Jenny, cousin Brogan, and my Dad went with us. We didn't want to leave! :)

My mom bought each kid a kite, and my dad made a kite, so we had four kites up at once. Not to mention, a few flying away! Luckily some nice people rescued them for us. I guess that's what we get for letting a 2, 3, and 4 year old fly their own kites!

The kite my dad made . . . He is always creating something! YES on 8!!

My Family: Last but not least! We had a lot of fun visiting family. I just realized I didn't get any pictures with my mom. She must have been avoiding the camera . . . maybe next time!

Grandpa Dennis with his granddaughters . . .

Grandpa Dennis with all four of his grand kids . . . Cade, Ambree, Britlyn, and Brogan. I can't believe they are all actually looking at the camera!

Cousinly love . . . Cade and Brogan . . .

We had a great time and can't wait to visit again!


Stacey said...

Those are all my favorite things about California too! I miss living there more than anything. I love it here because of all the wonderful people, but I am and always will be a California girl! ;) I'm glad you had fun!

BallerinaBiker said...

What a fun trip! I'm so jealous! I love both Disneyland and the beach and I'm dying to go to both!

Our Family said...

What a fun time, and what a great mother-in-law! That really was sweet! The kids look like they had such a blast!

Spencer and Emily Nelson family said...

Ya, I can't believe you could move away from beautiful sunny California with all it has to offer (you forgot to mention the wonderful smog we breathe). I had to laugh when I saw the kite your dad made... hey, spread the word however we can right?!

Krystal said...

Disneyland looks amazing in the fall! (I never knew...)

Krystal said...

Disneyland looks amazing in the fall! (I never knew...)

Lindsay said...

I'm so jealous that you guys went to Disneyland!! I love it there around the holidays -- so festive!! What a nice MIL to send you on vacation! Glad you had a good time.

Diane said...

Hi Trenda,
I thought I'd take a peek at what's going on in your life. What a cute post. It made me homesick for California. I don't think I've ever seen Disneyland that way. Too cute! There's really no place like home...I mean California.

Leslie said...

SO FUN! What an amazing gift from your MIL. I'm looks like you guys had a great time and I love your dads kite!!

Ginger said...

Trenda- So fun to see your pictures and here about your family. You are such a great mom. I don't know if you have my blog but it is

Amanda and Andy Hansen said...

I'm so jealous that looks like fun. I love the kite too!

Horner Family said...

Fun pictures! You have a great mother-in-law...I love Aunt Carol Dawn.