Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Pumpkin Patch!

I've been a mom for 5 Halloweens now, and this is the first time I have ever taken one of my kids to the pumpkin patch! I always had intentions of going, but for whatever reason, it didn't happen. So, this year I really wanted to take them and made sure it happened! They loved it! They couldn't believe how many pumpkins there were . . . it was pumpkin heaven for them!

Here are 6 attempts at getting a cute shot of both the kids together . . . an almost impossible task! :) It is so hard to get both of them to hold still, look at the camera, and smile at the same time . . . Is that too much to ask for? I think the first one is probably the closest to my request. . . Not too bad.

Notice Ambree's little pumpkin that she claimed right when we got there. She loves her "baby" pumpkin!

She still has it in this picture, it's just kind of hidden.
Cade was more partial to the bigger ones, too bad they were to big for him to carry!

He settled for one that was a "little" bit smaller, but not as small as Ambree's, because he isn't a baby like she is . . . in his own words!
He was pretty disappointed, though, when his stem broke! He decided that he needed to choose another one that wasn't damaged, even though he did it. Is that dishonest to break the stem on a pumpkin and then to leave it there and buy another one that isn't damaged? I hope not!
King of the pumpkin tower!
The kids in the wheelbarrow, right before it tipped over with them in it . . . yeah, that was fun. Luckily they didn't get hurt too badly.
Of course they had to get up on the tractor, and of course I had to get a picture! Luckily they didn't fall of of this! It would have been a lot longer of a fall!
Now we have pumpkins to carve and paint and decorate with. Hopefully we'll get it done before Halloween!


Rob & Tiffanie said...

I am glad that it's not just my kids that won't sit still for a decent picture! I wanted to scream after trying to get some nice pictures at Wheeler Farm. Seriously, just ONE picture where all 3 are looking at the camera...

Stacey said...

So cute! Where is this patch everyone keeps going to? I need to go!

Melissa said...

So cute! We are taking our kindergartners to one on Tuesday (11800 South and Redwood Road) and I am going to take Savannah with me. Which one did you go to? We should take the kiddos to Wheeler Farm or Thanksgiving Point before it gets to cold...let me know if you are ever available during the afternoon! (I work until noon.)

Kunz fam said...

Cute! Look at you doing things that a fun mom would do. I'm glad you sent me your address again. I totally messed up my last blog so I had to start a new one!

Our Family said...

Your kids are too adorable! Oh my goodness, seriously, I can't get over it. They are beautiful children! (can I say that about a boy??)

Robin and Stephenie said...

So cute! we are looking for a fun pumpkin patch around here it might just end up being the grocery store. :(

Trenda said...

The pumpkin patch is on 13600 west, between 12600 south and the district shopping center. I'm not sure the exact address.

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

I love all the pictures! Too sweet! Can I have Ambree's pumpkin, please? It's super cute!

Trenda said...

I meant 3600 west, not 13600!

Nicole said...

I think those pictures turned out great. I am glad you guys went to the pumpkin patch!