Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Happy Fathers day!

In honor of Father's Day, I decided to ask Cade a few questions about fathers and a few others. This was the result:

Me: What's Father's Day?
Cade: Father's Day is when you give fathers prizes.
Me: Why?
Cade: Because they're special!
Me: Who is your father?
Cade: Daddy . . . to you it's father, but to me it's Daddy!
Me: Do you have another father besides Daddy?
Cade: Yeah, Heavenly Father.
Me: Who is Heavenly Father?
Cade: Heavenly Father lives on a big rock and Heavenly Father's daddy is Jesus!
Me: Um, actually, Jesus is Heavenly Father's son, just like you.
Cade: Oh.
Me: How do you talk to Heavenly Father?
Cade: We say prayers?
Me: How do you talk to your Daddy?
Cade: We talk.
Me: What do you like to talk about with Daddy?
Cade: Lots of stuff. . . if he wants to play with me or color with me.
Me: What are your favorite things to do with Daddy?
Cade: Go and play with my friends and we like to go to the park and play hop scotch.
Me: So, you've played hop scotch with Daddy before?
Cade: No, but I like playing with him.
Me: Do you know what Daddy does for his job?
Cade: Going to school.
Me: Well, he used to do that, but do you know what he does now?
Cade: Works at work . . . he's an eye doctor.
Me: What do eye doctors do?
Cade: They check people's eyes so they can be healthy.
Me: Do they do anything else?
Cade: They run!
Me: Oh really?
Cade: yeah.
Me: Do you know where Mommy and Daddy got married?
Cade: In your tummy.
Me: I think your getting confused with where babies come from.
Cade: Oh.
Me: Can you tell me what a prophet is?
Cade: President Hinckley.
Me: Well, it used to be President Hinckley, but it's someone else now. Do you know who?
Cade: President Beuford! He He He!
Me: Your silly . . . It's President Monson now.
Cade: Oh.
Me: Do you want to say anything special to Daddy?
Cade: I love him!

Here are a few pics from Father's Day . . .
Gimme a kiss!
From the time Ambree was very young, she struggles and grunts, while trying to get out of her car seat. . . Here she is attempting to get out!

And this is what we found when we reached our destination . . . looks safe huh! Crazy girl!Happy Father's Day to my wonderful dad, my father in law, my hubby, and all you other great dad's out there!


Kevin and Eliza said...

Wow she is good. Yeah that is a little scary. Children are so ingenious.

BallerinaBiker said...

Cade is funny! Cute background too! And, I read somewhere on one of your comments that you make bows. We need to talk!

Bryon said...

Cade is such a crack-up! That is a very cute little interview.