Sunday, May 11, 2008

Catch up #3, Derrick is a college grad!

My little brother, Derrick, graduated from BYU! Boy do I feel old now! :)

What a good little school boy. . .
Yeah, let's PARTY!!!
We had to make special stop to take a picture in front of this sign . . . It's just the thing to do!
We ate dinner at Tucanos Brazilian restaurant after the graduation ceremonies with some friends and family and it was yummy! Cade, Holly (Derrick's friend . . . not much more at this point, if anyone is interested . . . he's a good catch!), and Derrick making funny faces.
Cade with his cousin Aiden, making more funny faces! They are a day apart in age and have so much fun together!
An attempt at getting a picture of the kids all together . . . not too much success!
Ambree, Cade, Aiden, and Samantha in front of Tucanos.
Another attempt with kids and pictures and again, no such luck! I guess the girls weren't too excited about Derrick graduating, but you can tell Derrick sure is!
Congratulations Derrick! We love you and are excited to be living so close to you now! Good luck with all your new endeavors!


BallerinaBiker said...

Wow! You've been busy! Congrats to your brother!

What are you doing this week? Let's get together! Tomorrow, Wed, is enrichment, but let's do something fun. I need to get out!

BallerinaBiker said...

I meant, let's go to enrichment and let's do something else fun too! haha!

Courtney said...

Trenda, the Potty-Watch I purchased I bought at a Kid-to-Kid consignment store. However, you can buy them online...just google The Potty-Watch.
It has been THE best!!! I totally love it!

Leslie said...

Wow you are a homeowner! It is so beautiful! It's good to see all of the photos and read what you are up to. I have not checked in for awhile. The kids are getting big! So cute!

Krystal said...

I laugh whenever I see a picture of your little Cade--he looks just like Craig to me! I love graduation time.