-We get to stay the night in St. George at my cousin Lyndi's beautiful home, for which we are grateful.
-Our kids enjoyed visiting with cousins Madison and Max and playing with their toys.
-We get to go to Craig's cousin, Kacey's wedding at the St. George temple.
-Craig tries to take a little nap while waiting for the bride and groom to come out of the temple. The kids just have to join him . . . too bad they didn't really fall asleep!
-After chasing the kids around at the church for almost an hour, trying to keep them out of the water cups, butter, centerpieces, utensils, etc. at nap time, we left before the luncheon was even served and went to Cafe Rio! We then came home and everyone had a nap!
-My wonderful cousin babysat our children while we went to the reception that evening! Thank you Lyndi!
-We were able to relax and enjoy adult conversation at the reception, while watching everyone else with children trying to keep them out of the three pools, the stream, and the waterfall!
(Craig and I with Craig's cousin, Denett)
-We went to Disneyland and actually had good weather!
-The kids had fun with this huge ball with water on it. Ambree thought it looked like the perfect thing to lick! Yuck!
-We met up with my brother Justin and his family, and our boys had so much fun together!
-We even practiced our letters! "A" is for Ambree and "C" is for Cade!
-We got to spend many nights at my parents house, in my sister, Jenny's room! Thanks for the sacrifice Jenn!
-Pro to that . . . we saved money not needing to get a hotel and got to visit with my family.-Negative to that . . .we had to sleep in the same room as our children.
-We got to visit with our friends from our time in California!
-I locked my keys in my car twice in one day! If that doesn't tell you anything about my state of mind that day, I don't know what will!
-We got to go on a dinner cruise for Craig's end of the year banquet without children! Thanks for watching them Mom!
(The Girls: Jennie Barney, Lindsay Palmer, Me)
-I was planning on warm weather, so that's how I packed . . . needless to say I was very cold during the ceremony, due to cold, rainy weather!
(The SCCO class of 2008)!
(Our Little Family)
(All the family that attended the graduation ceremonies . . . Bill Poulter (Craig's Dad), Carol Poulter(Craig's Mom), Craig, Cade, Ambree, Me, Joy Williams (my mom), Dennis Williams (my dad).
-We went out to eat at the Cheese Cake Factory the night before graduation and to Souplantation the day of graduation. . . yummy!
-We made it to the beach . . . it was a little cold, so we didn't go swimming, but we still had fun playing in the sand!
-We got to visit with my Grandma Andreason in St. George on the way home and stay the night at her house.
-Cade threw up partly in the car and on Grandma's drive way right before we were going to leave. . . luckily that was the only time . . . I was kind of worried.
-We now have sick kids and I feel it coming on too! Blahh. . . oh well, we had fun, but it's good to be home!