Monday, January 28, 2008

The storm is here!!

Looks like we won't be going anywhere any time soon!!


Carrie Anne said...

Yep...I hear you again!:)

Melissa said...

The snow hit just as I had to leave for work. It was pretty much a white out while we were unloading kids for school. I just kept thinking, "Why are you here? If it were my child, I would say, 'we're missing preschool today so I don't take our lives into our hands!" Yuck. ENOUGH, I say.

Brooklyn said...

Hey Trenda. This is Lindsay Bean..your cousin Dave's wife. I just clicked on your page off Lyndi's. You have a cute little family and your kids are so adorable. Looks like you guys had quite the storm in Utah!!
Anyways just wanted to say HI!

Lindsay said...

Holy crap!!! That's crazy!!! Looks like our rain blew up your way!

Robin and Stephenie said...

BOOOO! I am so sick of the snow!