Monday, January 7, 2008

Christmas Catch Up #4 (Nativity Bloopers)

Since 1993 Craig's family on the Clegg side (his mom's maiden name) has done "The Nativity Scene" at their family Christmas party and all the kids and some adults (if needed) GET to participate! Doesn't Craig look like he is having the time of his life?!
Growing up, we never did this! Craig just takes this tradition for granted! The only time (before I married Craig) that I remember taking part in "The Nativity Scene" was when I was a missionary in the MTC . . . I got to be Baby Jesus! Wasn't I cute?! This year I got to be Mary (which I think is a lot more fitting, what do you think)? Craig GOT to be Joseph again and our kids got to participate too! I'm sure this will be a tradition they will remember and love for a long time! Especially the pictures we will capture for years to come!

Smile for the camera! Alright, we got Angel Ambree!

Let's try this again . . . maybe we could get a shot with both of you looking at the camera! Alright . . . we got Shepherd Boy Cade now!
Now let's really try hard to get a good one of BOTH of you looking and smiling . . . come on . . . do it for mama! Uhhh, not exactly what I had in mind! I guess pictures with one of them looking and smiling are better than all of them looking like this one!Hey Shepherd boy . . . I don't think you are supposed to be eating that frankincense, gold, myrrh, or whatever that is!
More Nativity fun . . .2007!


Melissa said...

Aaah...memories! You were an adorable baby Jesus. It looks like Craig's family has quite the production, I am impressed!

Leslie said...


Robin and Stephenie said...

you are so funny!

Me said...

This is an entertaining post! That is a great family tradition. Both Dustin and I had that tradition growing up. It makes for some interesting pictures.

Becky Mutter said...

What a fun and memorable tradition! I wish my family did something like that. Fun and funny and SPECIAL!