Thursday, April 17, 2008
no internet yet!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Our last week living with Craig's parents . . .
Good news of the week . . . Cade finally pooped in the toilet for the first time in like 7 months! Soooo, we had a poo poo party! Do you like the "poo" inspired candy for dessert?! I am so cleaver. . . LOL!Will Cade ever tire of these toys? He LOVES them! I think he might choose them over me if he had the choice!
Cade has been quite the climber this week, which is not very characteristic of him. Maybe he is just getting more brave as he gets older . . . he climbed into the sink in the bathroom and . . .
On top of the shed in my in laws backyard!! He must have climbed up the fence near the shed and then onto the shed. . . I'm not quite sure, but this is where we found him!
I LOVE Dora!! She is my babysitter all the time . . . uhh, I mean, every once in a while. I thought this was sweet of Cade and Ambree watching TV. Cade fell asleep and Ambree was leaning her head against his. . . awww!
Ambree loves all the fun toys at grandma and grandpa's house! Apparently she thinks she is a baby and likes to climb into the doll crib. I don't know what she is going to do when we move and she doesn't have all of these toys to play with everyday that she has become so attached to. Luckily she has a birthday coming up!
OK . . . now it is on to packing for our move on Saturday. I am excited to have our own home, but not looking forward to our 7th move since we've been married for a little less than 5 years! Luckily this time we have most of our stuff still packed up in storage, which will make things a little easier. Hopefully this will be our last move for a while!! Wish us luck!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Tagged by Melissa!
B- Best Friend? Well, the friend that I have had the longest and kept in touch with the best is Janell Salmon, so I would definitely consider her one of my best. As of lately I talk the most to and hang out the most with Jenny Barney, so she is too. Oh, and my hubby and kids and mom!
C- Cake or Pie? Cheese Cake!
D- Day of Choice? Saturday now that Craig has it off.
E- Essential Item? Diapers and wipes if my kids are with me. Oh, and for sure my wallet, cell phone, and car!
F- Favorite Color? olive/sage green
G- Gummy Bears or Worms? Aren't they basically the same thing? I guess bears because you can just pop the whole thing in your mouth and it isn't too big, like the worm would be.
H- Hometown? I still feel like my home town is Fullerton, CA and that I am visiting here in SLC, Utah, but in one week from today I will be living in my own home in Riverton, UT! YAY!
I- Indulgences? Cereal and bread . . . I really need to cut back. Oh, and shopping! I try to be good, but it just seems like there is always something I NEED!
J- January or July? Any of you who read this blog know it is July! I hate cold weather!
K- Kids? Yes, 3 1/2 year old boy and 21 month old girl.
L- Life isn’t complete without? Family and the gospel.
M- Marriage Date? June 20, 2003
N- Number of Brothers and Sisters? There are 3 boys and 3 girls in my family and I am the oldest.
O- Oranges or Apples? Oranges for breakfast, apples for lunch.
P- Phobia’s or Fears? I really don't have any unique phobias. I don't like snakes or spiders, but it's not like I freak out if I see one. I dunno! Oh . . . having more children, yes that is definitely a fear!
Q- Quote? “To be a righteous woman is a glorious thing in any age. To be a righteous woman during the winding up scenes on this earth, before the second coming of our savior, is an especially noble calling.
The righteous woman’s strength and influence today can be tenfold what it might be in more tranquil times.
Other institutions in society may falter an even fail, but the righteous woman can help save the home which may be the last and only sanctuary some mortals know in the midst of storm and strife.”
- President Spencer W. Kimball-
R- Reason to Smile? Moving into our own home in a week, Craig graduating in less than two months, None of us being sick for over a month (knock on wood), Summer is almost here. Oh, was I only supposed to do one? There are too many for just one!
S- Season of Choice? Summer!
T- Tag Six: Janell, Jennie, Lindsay, Lyndi, Steph, and Alisha! I know you all have nothing better to do! ;)
U- Unknown fact about me? I am not a huge music or movie person. Don't get me wrong, I like to watch movies every once in a while and I listen to music in the car and every once in a while when I'm cleaning, but I don't think I have ever bought a DVD, video, or CD for myself. . . and I got an I-pod for Christmas and haven't even opened the box. It's on my to do list. I know, I'm weird!
V- Vegetable? raw: baby carrots, cooked: broccoli
W- Worst Habit? Wasting time on the Internet and staying up late (see, I am doing both right now).
X- X-Ray or Ultrasound? Ultrasound (this is not an announcement).
Y- Your favorite Food? BBQ chicken and Salad.
Z- Zodiac Sign? Aquarius, whatever that means!