Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Funny Cade Conversations . . .

It's amazing how much there is to teach children! Everyday Cade asks so many questions and carries on so many conversations with me that cause me to think and to teach. I am grateful that he is so curious and wants to learn, but sometimes I just want to sit in silence. I don't think that is going to happen for a while, especially now that Ambree is joining in his jabbering. Here are some conversations from the past few weeks that turned into teaching moments.

While "trying" to have family home evening . . .
Me: OK, it's time for the opening prayer . . . you need to close your eyes.
Cade: But, this is the opening prayer, so we need to keep our eyes open!
Then had to explain about opening and closing prayers and why they are called that.

Me: Cade, maybe we should have your birthday party at a pool.
Cade: I don't think that's a good idea.
Me: Why not?
Cade: Because we might get gasoline on the cake.
Me: How would we get gasoline on your cake at the pool?
Cade: Because there is gasoline in the pool water.
Me: Oh, you mean chlorine.
Cade: Yeah, chlorine . . . I don't want to get chlorine on my cake!
Proceeded to explain what the difference was between gasoline and chlorine.

While on a bike ride with daddy, passing Mc Donald's . . .
Cade: Daddy, what is a nugget?
Craig: Nuggets are little pieces of things, like chicken nuggets, gold nuggets, etc.
Cade: Oh, so Dino Nuggets are little pieces of Dino?
Craig then explained that they aren't really dinosaur pieces, just chicken shaped like dinosaurs.

Cade: Mom, I can't wait until Christmas when Baby Jesus will be born again!
Of course, I then explained how we just celebrate when Jesus was born, etc.

While playing in the backyard . . .
Cade: mom, that two headed bug is trying to get me!
Me: What two headed bug?
Cade: Right there on the wall . . .
Me: Oh, uhh, that's not a two headed bug, it's just two bugs that are touching each other.
Cade: Oh, well they are trying to get us!
Me: They don't look like they are trying to get you to me!
That's all the explaining I did on this one! ;)


Melissa said...

That is so funny! And I love that you got a pic of the two headed bug. Cade says the cutest things.

Cheryl & Kyle said...

you have some pretty cute kids. glad you found my blog.

Stacey said...

Trenda that is so great! I can't wait until I get to have those fun conversations with my little one! I especially liked that last one. Ha ha!

Nicole said...

I love that your wrote these conversations down. They are so cute & funny. Such a little thinker that Cade, so fun!

BallerinaBiker said...

Cade is so cute and so sweet. He is really such a nice kid. And, he has a fabulous mom!

Weston & Jennie said...

I can hear everyone of these in my head. They can come up with some pretty funny things.

Kimberly said...

I love the gasoline/chlorine anaology...too funny! Kid conversations are the best...thank goodness we know how to interpret them (at least most of the time)!

Hannah said...

This is so funny! I'm glad that I'm not the only mom who has a son that is CONSTANTLY questioning everything! Young minds... =)

Brandi said...

I love how curious he is! Too funny! Your children are sure growing so much!

Kevin and Eliza said...

Too funny! Thanks for sharing. :)

Kevin and Eliza said...
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Robin and Stephenie said...

That is so funny! Kenidee has started talking our ears off and right now I just love it and laugh all the time.

Joanna said...

You are so good to write those things down. Cade says the cutest things :)

Janell said...

Ha ha! He is adorable, reminds me of my oldest, he is such a chatter box, sometimes I have to ask him to stop talking so I can think!