It seems like Cade get's in trouble quite often for being mean to Ambree, so when he was being cute and loving with her at the Splash Park the other day, I just had to get some pictures! It also helped that Ambree was letting him be loving, instead of pushing him away . . . too cute! Hopefully they will start to do this more often and quit all the fighting! The fighting doesn't make for very cute pictures! :)

12 comments: sweet. Isn't sibling love the best?
What cute kids! I had so much fun catching up with you guys at Cowboy Grub. Your such a cute family. I bookmarked you blog so now I will check it more often.
I hear seems like Savannah and Sienna are always fighting about something. The thing that seems to bring them together is if one of them gets the other in trouble, then I am the 'mean one' for putting someone in time out, they are both against me! Stinkers.
So cute!! I can't imagine these too fighting or arguing, they are perfect to us!
Cute! Hope Dylan will take some pointers... I'm affraid of what will happen with this new baby!
So fun!
Ambree is starting to look like such a big girl rather than a cute little baby! I can't believe how much they're both growing up. You two sure make some cute kids! Keep it up! :)
Those are some cute pictures! They look like best buddies!
Trenda, I think a get together would be fantastic! I still haven't met Ambree yet... and she's practically all grown up! Let me know when you guys are headed up this way! My email is, I'd love to see you! (my brother is starting school in Rexburg this month too... maybe we could get them together and do a triple date... with kids... wow, things just aren't the same any longer are they?)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE it when my children are so sweet to each's like a mothering paycheck :) They are cute kids! How's life up north?
Tren, so sorry we missed each other before we left town. I was hoping to be able to get together but it just got too crazy and overwhelming. i was lucky I made my flight by the end of it! Hopefully I can see you guys next time we visit, which should be soon.
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