Sunday, March 9, 2008

Problems . . . Solved!

I figure if I've only seen the tip of my problems, I might as well celebrate once they are solved . .
Problem # 1:

Need to find a rent to own home, being sold by someone who seems trustworthy, who will let us rent it for 4-6 months and then buy without wanting a 20% down payment, in our price range, that we like, that was built in this century, in a good area, with at least 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and a basement (unfinished OK), with a decent size yard, with a two car garage, within 15 miles of Craig's future job in West Jordan, UT.


We found it! And signed the papers yesterday! This picture isn't the exact home, but it is one of the models that is very similar and in the same neighborhood in Riverton, UT. I'll get a picture of the actual home and the inside later. We will move in either at the end if this month or middle of next . . . we'll see! Yay!

Problem #2:

Our car didn't pass the smog inspection because the horn didn't work!


Two and a half weeks later and $700 later, our horn works and our car passed the smog inspection. Yes . . . $700 to fix the horn! The horn that we didn't even know was broken (that's how much we used it).

Problem #3:

Cade has been sick all week long! Up in the middle of the night, high fevers, extra tired, runny nose, horrible cough, whining, etc., etc.


Although, not completely healed, he is doing a lot better and has slept through the night the last3 nights in a row! Now we just need to figure out what to do about Ambree. About 2 weeks ago she decided she wants to be a newborn again and wake up in the middle of the night, crying hysterically! Maybe it's nightmares, or teething . . . It's always a guessing game when you are raising children!


Melissa said...

Cute house! I love it. Where is it in Riverton? We really do need to get together soon!

Leslie said...

Totally cute house! I'm so happy for you guys!! That's awesome! I have to say that when I first read your "problem" part, I was like...good luck with that, T! Holy cow that seemed almost impossible! But then I saw the pic and it's amazing! Yay! And here's one more sentence just so I can add one more exclamation point to this post! Thanks! ;)

Robin and Stephenie said...

Yippee congrats on the house! Sorry about the horn, wouldn't they let you buy a bike horn and just hook it on your side mirror? You little boy is so handsome.

Aubrey said...

Hooray! I'm so glad you found a house. It must be so exciting to finally make that step and move on with your life after Optometry school!

Janell said...

Wow! What an accomplishment to finally be able to buy a home of your own! I am so happy for you!

Lyndi Dunlavy said...

I am so excited for you!! The house looks so nice and Riverton is a great place to live. We are going to Brandons wedding...when are you going down there. My mom and I are going down on Friday for the dinner than staying over night and going to the wedding....can't wait to see you there!!

Lindsay said...

Congrats, you guys!!! So is this a brand new house? I'm glad you found something that was within your specifications. We won't be looking to buy a house for another 6 months or so, but I've been obsessively looking!

And bummer about the $$$ for the stinkin' horn!!! I swear, it seems like you guys have had to fork out a lot of moola over the years for car repairs!

Glad that Cade is feeling better and I hope Ambree settles down at night. Maybe she's teething? Good luck with that! Night wakings are never fun, especially when you are used to getting a full night's sleep!

Weston & Jennie said...

Did you steal my week with the kids? That was last week to a T. Sydney was sick and whining and had a fever and a cough everything. And Macey, shes just Macey. She has never slept very good. I am so glad to hear about the house. I can't wait to see it. In person of course. :)

Dashley said...

Sounds like good things are coming your way. I am looking forward to the day when we will be house hunting. But I must not get carried away- I still have 3 and 1/2 years to go!!!!

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

I'm still in problem mode. Looking forward to the solutions coming around. Happy to hear yours have come through! The house looks great (even if it isn't the exact one)!! :o)

Jenna said...

Congrats on the house!

The Murdocks said...

Congrats on the house!!! I'm so excited for you! There is hope for the rest of us.

Carrie Anne said...

Yeah for you guys! WAHOOOOOOO! It's such a relief to get things rolling and when they start to come's so nice! I'm so glad for you guys! Sorry about the horn...dang inspections!:)

Mary Pat said...


You are going to be living so close! We need to get together. I am just living across towns in Sandy. Whahoo!