Monday, July 19, 2010

June Birthdays . . .

June is a busy month for us, with Craig's birthday, Father's Day, Our Wedding Anniversary, and Ambree's birthday. . . But it's a fun busy! :)

For Craig's 30th Birthday I surprised him by having one of his good friends from optometry school fly out for the weekend. The look on Craig's face, when his friend, Jeff walked around the corner to the backyard (which is where Craig was at the time that he arrived to our house) was priceless! He was so confused and surprised! We had a fun weekend visiting with Jeff, and to celebrate Craig's actual birthday, we just got together with Family and had a little party in the great out doors! Here is some of the company . . . Cade, Ambree, Jacob (nephew), and Leila (niece).

Cade and Dallin (Craig's youngest brother)
Adam (craig's brother), Andrew (craig's brother), Jeff (Friend), and Dallin (brother)
Cade and Andrew
The lunch . . . Tin foil dinners . . .
The Cake! This is the first cake I ever made from scratch and it was delicious! I have never been too much of a cake fan. Now I realize it's because I always used a box mix! :/ If you want an amazing choc. cake recipe, use the Hershey's choc. cake recipe. The frosting was homemade too. It was just a basic butter cream recipe and I added about a cup of peanut butter. Sooo good!
The little family! Happy Birthday Craig!! :)
For Ambree's birthday we did a Princess themed party. Here she is with some of the guests/princesses . . . Macy and Beth. . .
A yummy pizza dinner (Ambree's request) with red punch (not sure what I was thinking there)! Luckily we only had one spill all night.
The Castle Cake that I slaved over! Lol! I was worried for a while about it turning out, but it actually turned out pretty well in the end.
More of the guests and the cake . . . Apparently hardly anyone wanted to look at the camera! :/
The Castle Pinata . . .
Blanket from Grandma Carol . . .
Ambree seemed to have a great time at her party and felt like a real princess! Happy fourth birthday Ambree! :)

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I'm very impressed with your cakes! And thanks for the tip on the chocolate cake - I'll have to look up that recipe.