Often throughout my day things will happen and I will think, I should write about that on my blog, but I usually don't. So, Today I am following through! :) Here are a few frustrating mommy moments I have had recently . . .
1) The other day I went to Rite aid. Right when I got there I took both of my kids to the restroom so I wouldn't have to deal with it while I was shopping (I never went into restrooms in stores before I had kids, now I do almost every time I am at the store with my kids and sometimes more than once)! They both went potty and we started shopping. After getting everything we needed, we headed the checkout stand. I was using coupons and the person was taking forever ringing me up and trying to get the coupons to work. In the process of all this, Cade starts saying, "I have to go poo, I have to go poo" over and over, and then Ambree proceeds to say that she does as well. So, both of my kids are yelling that they have to go poo and the lady is in the process of telling me she needs to get the manager to help her. I am feeling desperate so I say, "well, I have to take my kids to the bathroom before they stink up your store by going in their pants . . . I will be right back". SO, I leave right in the middle of getting checked out to take my kids to the bathroom again! Anyway, very embarrassing, but not quite as embarrassing and annoying as it would have been if they both pooped in their pants!
2) About a month ago the kids and I were all very sick. After a week of sleepless nights because of coughing so much and getting up to sick kids, etc. I finally went to the doctor and took the kids with me because Craig was working. Even though they were sick, they were running all over the place, getting into everything. Finally when I went to see the doctor, he said that he would check their ears and throats too, which was very nice of him. Well, Ambree refused! She was arching her back and screaming and then started flopping around on the floor saying no, no, no! Next we went to Walgreens to get my prescription filled, which cost way more than I expected and after waiting for it and trying to entertain the kids while I was feeling awful myself, we went out to leave and I realized I locked my keys in the car! By this point I am so drained from the previous week and all that had happened I was in tears. I called Craig and luckily he was on his lunch break and was able to come help me out, but I was so done!
3) Today I put a video on for the kids, so I could take a shower in peace without them pounding on the door. Apparently Ambree wasn't that into the video because five minutes after I had gotten in the shower she came in the bathroom (I usually lock the door for this very reason, but forgot today). She had the camera in her hands and was trying to take pictures of me through the glass door! I told her to go put the camera back and to go watch her video. She left for a minute and then came back in saying she had to go potty. I told her to go by herself (which she knows how to do), but she insisted that I help her! Just what I want to do is get out of my nice warm shower while I am naked and dripping wet to help her go potty when she knows how to go by herself. Anyway, she proceeds to wet her pants and then she is standing outside of the shower crying about it! Ugh. Soon after this I am done with my shower and as I am getting out I realize she has my lip pencil in one hand and a wad of toilet paper in the other and there is lip stick smeared all over the wall. "Ambree, what are you doing"? I asked and she said, "I am just trying to clean it up before you get mad at me". Can't a girl just have a shower in peace!?
I am sure I could go on and on, but this is good for now. Hopefully if my children are raising their own kids and are feeling frustrated, they can read this and realize they did it to me too, and I know I did it to my mom! What are some frustrating mommy moments you have had lately?
Christmas Break 2023
1 year ago